The power of being kind

I’m sorry I haven’t wrote anything in a while, with my social life bigger than my actual life together with school I just didn’t have time.

‘When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace’

I know this will happen. Because love is stronger than anything, the world just has to realise this. It’s amazing how we can work as a team and do little things for each other, in that way, we can accomplish so much. We have to improve the world by little steps.


I really believe being kind to people brings the world one step closer to world peace. Even if you just smile at a stranger, or are nice to the guy at the supermarket. Small things can make a person’s day and can inspire people to do little nice things for each other too. And always remember this quote: everyone is having a hard time, there’s always a reason a person is the way he is. Everyone’s hurt, everyone’s a little broken, and that’s okay, but remember that you’re not the only one, people need your kindness, the world needs your kindness.

Humanity isn’t about laws or economic stuff or whatever. Humanity is about love, feelings, tenderness. People often forget that, that’s why our society isn’t build on feelings, but on money and power. I think the world should be governed based on love, instead of power. I really believe all humans are good, all humans are able to overcome the love of power and realise love is the strongest thing we have. It really is, nothing is stronger than love, realise that.

So spread your kindness, spread your love and know that we can improve the world together, know that love is stronger.

Love & Peace



Missing you is so much harder than I thought

But that’s the sacrifice I make

For loving you more than I should.

You captured my heart

And took it with you

Wherever you go.

What remains

Is the beautiful sad feeling

Of emptiness

When you’re not around.


Love & Peace

The fear of being forgotten

‘Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark on the world, but the marks humans leave are too often scars.’ – John Green – The fault in our stars

John green is a genius, he’s so amazing that I’m almost drowning in his infinite wisdom. But this post isn’t about that, of course. I recognise myself in this quote, I insist on changing the world in a good way, I want to be noticed by the universe, as John Green explained poetically in his book. What if my footprint on this world is a scar? Maybe we don’t care, because we were noticed by the universe, even if it was in a bad way.

We want to be remembered, we want to know our lives had a purpose, that we were born for a reason. We all want to be special so bad, that being normal is becoming the new special. And maybe not trying to change the world is a way to change the world. Maybe it is better to let the world be the way it is, because even if we try to change the world in a good way, it often turns into a scar, and the world already has enough scars.

I guess we are afraid of being forgotten, because if we are forgotten, we get the idea that our life was useless. And maybe it is, but we’ll never know. What if our life really is useless, would you want to know? I don’t think I’d want to know. I’d rather believe in something that may not be true, than knowing everything is useless. Ignorance is a blessing, sometimes.

The other way around is the same thing. We are afraid of forgetting. My boyfriend is currently in Denmark, I’m in Barcelona, Spain. And even though I know it’s only for a week and a half, (how the hell do people do that with long distance relationships??) I’m afraid to forget him. Not afraid to not miss him or to fall out of love with him, but afraid to forget the sound of his voice, his smell, the feeling of his lips pressed to mine, the way his hand fits into mine. I already feel the memories of him fade away, just a little, even though I know I’d remember those things again the moment I’ll see him.

But I know I’ll never forget the way we love each other.

Maybe I won’t change the world, not much anyway, and maybe he won’t either. Maybe we won’t matter that much to the world, but we do matter to each other, and that’s worth something too, right? Maybe at the end, my life didn’t mean so much to the world, but it did mean something to the people I love, and that’s enough for me.


Love & Peace

What does it mean to be fully alive?

‘Don’t you cry for the loss, smile for the living. Get what you need and give what you’re given. You know life’s for the living so live it, or you’re better off dead’ – Passenger –  Life’s for the living

Do you really live? What does it mean to fully be alive? I guess we don’t really realise what value every single day of our lives has. Maybe we do, sometimes, and you think that you’re going to live every single day of the rest of your life really living. But we never really hold onto that thought, do we? I know I don’t. Because you get distracted, people around you are so sure that there will be another day and they get the thought in your head again that you have plenty of time.

But the truth is: we don’t know when our journey will end. Anything could happen. You may think that’s sad. But actually, it’s a positive thing. The thought that our journey could be over at any moment, any day, doesn’t that pursue you to really live? Because if your soul doesn’t really live, what’s the point of having a living body? Of course we want to keep living, even if we’re not really living, and it isn’t true that our souls don’t live at all, it’s just that they only live a little. But that’s what life’s all about right, really living? The opposite thing is also true; anything could happen, at any moment, miracles are possible, and they happen every day.

We have to stop living in our brains and look around us, live in the moment, feel this moment, be aware of your body, feel the earth beneath your feet and the wind blowing in your hair. I guess that’s what it means to be fully alive, to just be caught up in the perfect imperfection of a moment. Because this moment is all you really have. It’s the only guaranteed thing in our lives. This quote above is so simple yet so strong, it’s the best advice you can give someone. Don’t die with regrets, die with memories.

Love & Peace     

I find you

I find you in songs,
And in photographs,
And in memories.

I find  you in my heart,
And in every cloud I chase.

Because of you,
I can believe in love,
I can believe in us.

I could spent so many infinities,
Just wandering through your mind.

Open the gates
That lead to all your thoughts and philosophy’s.

I know now,
The world is not as terrible as it looks,
It has got you in it,
And I don’t think there is something more beautiful,

Than the breathtaking way you say my name.

Love & Peace

About love and other halves


Fuck. I’m in love. I mean, I think I am. I can’t think of anything other than that, so that’s why I’m just going to write about that because I know I can’t write about any other thing right now. It’s terrible and amazing at the same time. I’ve never felt this close to a boy.

Is everybody made for somebody? I already believed that, but I’ve only become more sure of it now. I can talk to him for five hours and I still don’t get bored. It can’t be coincidence that we have so much in common and it doesn’t mean anything, it has to mean something. We have the same way of thinking, I feel like I’ve found my other half.

What are soul mates, actually? I think that there are certain people who just make you feel more you than other people, who you can just tell everything to, people who can understand you with only a second of eye contact. Cherish those people, you won’t find a lot of them.

I think we meet all people for a reason. Everyone is meant to teach you something, or change you. That’s why friendships almost never last a lifetime, when they’ve changed you in the way you are meant to be changed, the friendship isn’t needed anymore. That may be sad, but that’s just what friends are for, to change you for the better. I guess that eventually, you will become the person you are meant to be.

 This picture with this quote was send by him Tuesday night. I love this theory, I love the fact that somewhere, somebody is made for you. Is it really possible that we are made for each other? That’s the question we’ve been asking ourselves the past few days. If we are not meant to be lovers, we are definitely meant to be soul mates. He is simple. I love simple people, maybe because I’m a complicated person myself.

I guess that with love, you never know what will happen, because love is such a fucked up thing. It’s so fucked up that it’s impossible to make any sense of it, so please, don’t try to.

So for everyone who tries to speak the language of love, but doesn’t have a dictionary: don’t think, believe Plato, your other half will come 🙂

Love & Peace

Those perfect days

I love those kind of days. Those days were everything goes right. Those days were you realise how happy you are and how an amazing life you have.

You know you are going to be okay, you know all you need are some good friends and a song to sing along to.

I love the fact that there are perfect days, in everyone’s lives.

I love the fact that there are people, who make everyday perfect, just because they are there.

Cherish those days, and those people.


Love & Peace

The power of your thoughts


One day I woke up, and realised I wasn’t living my life. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life, I didn’t feel like there was any purpose for me in this life. I didn’t had much friends, did okay in school, but I knew I could do so much better, spend my weekends watching TV and doing homework, maybe go to the mall with my mum, and boys, well, I guess they thought I was a potato or something. And I still have those days, those days where I feel like a potato. I guess it’s okay to have potato-days, doesn’t everyone feels ugly sometimes? I blamed the world for the situation I was in, I blamed the world for the fact I was ugly, I blamed the world for not being society’s idea of a fun, popular, person.

I discovered the power of my thoughts, it was a world opening up for me. I can honestly say my whole life has changed since that moment I realised the situation I was in, was only because of my own thoughts. I now knew that my whole life depended on my thoughts. You are in charge of what happens to you. Since then, I started to do much better in school, I started to be myself so I had more friends, my social life has been tripled, I now have lots of guy-friends too, something I wouldn’t have dreamed of two years ago. I started to say to myself that I was beautiful, after a while I started believing it. The way people looked at me started to change, and sometimes, I didn’t feel like a potato anymore. Those moments became the way I felt most of the times, I began to feel beautiful, and because of that, I became beautiful, for myself and for other people.

The secret? Only having good, positive thoughts. Not only your whole life changes, but the way you see the world and life starts changing. I started to motivate myself to see the good in everything, to never complain about anything, to have good thoughts and always believe in miracles. Because they happen every day. So every day, think as you wake up: this day is going to be amazing, and it will, I promise you. I learned that whatever I wanted to do, I had to do it now, because future is merely an illusion, because too often, later becomes never, and I didn’t want that to happen. So change your life with your thoughts, now.

Love & Peace


Welkom in mijn brein

‘you are the books you read, the films you watch, the Music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you engage in. you are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life. You are every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of knowledge and existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colours fill your mind.’

Dus, hier ben je dan, je hebt je hele leven geleefd, en nu ben je hier, in dit moment. Je hebt al die jaren overleefd en hebt dingen gedaan, gedachten gedacht, van mensen gehouden, en veel dingen geleerd. Waar ben je trots op? Als je zo terugkijkt op jou leven tot nu toe, vind je dan niet dat je een heel goed leven hebt geleefd? Toch mist er iets, leven is niet hetgeen waar je op had gehoopt, en je hebt zo lang gewacht tot het Echte leven zou beginnen, je blijft zoeken naar het ‘iets’, maar er is niets meer dan dit, het universum heeft je dit gegeven, niet te veel, niet te weinig. Bij dat besef, dat jou Echte leven al begonnen is, zou je dan meer gaan genieten? Soms heb je het idee dat je het leven helemaal snapt, je weet wat je moet doen, hoe je dat gaat doen, en wie jij bent, alles is opeens helemaal duidelijk, maar dat zijn slechts momenten. Je moet loslaten van het gevoel dat je alles moet begrijpen voordat je kunt genieten van je leven, want je zult nooit alles begrijpen, we begrijpen helemaal niets. Het enige wat we kunnen begrijpen is dat we mogen genieten terwijl we leven, of er nog een leven komt, of het überhaupt zin heeft, dat zullen we nooit weten. Geloven is niet weten, geloven zou een illusie kunnen zijn, maar waarom niet genieten van een illusie? Ik geloof liever in een illusie dan weten dat alles bitter is. Een vriend van mij zei laatst ‘Je hebt geen zin van het leven nodig om je leven zinnig te maken.’ Daar ben ik het zo mee eens, stel dat er geen zin van het leven is, dan was je leven nog steeds zinnig, omdat je niet alleen hebt overleeft, je hebt jou leven echt geleefd.

Ik weet dat dit een beetje een heel apart begin is van een blog, ik zou me eigenlijk eerst moeten voorstellen of zo. Dat hierboven is mijn ‘diepe’ kant, en nee, niet dit hele blog zal gaan over de zin van het leven en dat soort dingen. Ik heb echt geeeen ideeeee waar dit blog over zal gaan. Ik ga gewoon schrijven wat er in me opkomt, zoals hierboven. Ik weet wel dat er een heleboel gedachtes in voor zullen komen, mijn gedachtes, en een heleboel blijheid en geluk, veel poëzie, I loooveeee my life en ik weet dat iedereen dat kan, ongeacht in welke situatie je zit. Dit blog is bedoelt om mensen te inspireren, te laten zien wat mijn kijk is op het leven en de wereld, de wereld nòg mooier te maken dan datie nu is. Ik wil je ook laten zien dat je niet de enige bent die voelt wat je voelt. Het ergste gevoel dat er is, is het gevoel dat je niet begrepen word, dat je er niet bij hoort, iedereen heeft slechte dagen en ik ken dit gevoel heel goed. Dit blog is voor de dromers, zoals ik. Nu een quote om de allereerste poste op dit blog af te sluiten:

Those who move forward with a happy spirit, will find that things will always work out’


Love & Peace