Stuff that only happens to other people…

:) | via Facebook

 You know that stuff that only happens to other people? That doesn’t only happen to other people, I know now. It sounds really bad. My parents are spliting up. I’m 16 so I still live at home for two years. It sounds way worse than I feel it. People are now asking me if I’m okay and that kind of stuff. Of course I’m okay, I’m the happiest person you know, I don’t just break from these kind of things. It’s weird  that life just goes on the way it did before, it’s the same as it has always been, the only thing different is that my mom’s looking up appartments on the internet. It’s scary what a smile can hide. I did saw the break-up coming, I just didn’t saw my moms depression coming. Things will change, quickly, I know that and I’m okay with that, I’m okay with my mom moving out, maybe for two months, maybe for forever. She just needs to be alone, for how long is not sure.

I think it’s one of the most important things in life to accept change, and have willingness to change. Every single problem in your life is caused by change, when something good changes into something less good, it’s a problem. Once you fully accept change, problems don’t exist anymore. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and make things better. It just says you have to accept what you cannot change. And I know I cannot change this.

I’m not religious, but I think that you can handle every challenge that is given to you, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten that challenge. It’s supposed to learn you something. I see that as something positive.

Life will always go on the way it did before, just different.

Love & Peace

About Wanderlust and Fear

‘We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.’

This quote does something to me, I just haven’t yet figured out what.
I am so uninterested in a life lived in one place, and absolutely not interested in a steady life, a life lived guided by fear. For instance, to me it seems incredibly boring to have the same job for more than five years.
I want to be able to quit my job without the fear of not finding a new one. I want to be able to buy a ticket to anywhere and just leave the world behind, whenever I feel like it.
I never want to be afraid of change, because change is either good or bad, when it’s good it’s awesome and when it’s bad you learn from it. I know that’s quite impossible, change is always scary. In two years high school will be over for me, and I’m already terrified.
But I guess fearless doesn’t means that you’re not afraid, it means being terrified but doing it anyway. 
That’s the kind of life I want, not being guided by fear but by dreams and passion. Because life is meant to do the things you love to do, and you can’t do certain things you love when you let yourself be guided by fear. And travel. Travel as much as I can. So yeah, I got the Wanderlust syndrome. I don’t think life is meant to be lived in one place.

Love & Peace

Your life is always perfect

‘And you think you’ll be happy if granted one more wish but the truth is, you’ll never need more than this.’ – Vanessa Carlton – More than this

If you have never heard of Vanessa Carlton, go find her music on spotify or whatever, she’s awesome.

People have the bad habit of always wanting more, always thinking that this present moment is not perfect. People try to find reasons why things aren’t perfect. But in fact, it is, just like every moment, this moment is pure perfection, because it is imperfect.

It seems to me that people don’t appreciate their ordinary lives enough. Ordinary is beautiful, I think. Ordinary is everything you need for happiness, and there is no better pleasure in life than happiness. For me happiness is accepting what is, and not wanting more. Because you don’t need more, your life at this very moment is as perfect as it will ever be. Like the quote says, the truth is, you’ll never need more than what you have right now, I’m not saying to stop being ambitious or anything, I’m just saying that your life will not necessarily improve if you have reached that goal, because it’s the way of seeing things that matter, not the way things really are.

What makes a moment perfect, or a day, or a week, or a lifetime, is your attitude, you decide whether your life is perfect yes or no. So for one moment, stop and notice, just let the moment be, without asking more of the moment, without wanting more. You can decide every day that this day you’ll notice the perfection in your life, and you can live it noticing every little perfect detail. See the perfection and the beauty in your ordinary extraordinary life, starting today.

Love & Peace


Welcome to my brain

My first post was still in Dutch, which most of you can’t read I guess. So I decided to just post my first thing again, but this time in English, of course.

So, here you are. You lived your whole life, and now you’re here, in this moment. You’ve survived all those years and did all those things, thought all those thoughts, loved all those people and learned all those things. Where are you proud of? If you look back at your life up until now, don’t you think you have lived a really good life? Yet, there is missing something, life isn’t what you hoped for, and you’ve waited so long for the beginning of your Real life, you keep searching for this ‘something’, but there’s nothing more than this, the universe gave you this, not too much, not too little. With that realization taken in mind, that your Real life has already started, would you enjoy more? Sometimes you have the idea that you understand your life completely, you know what you have to do, how you’re going to do that and who you are, everything suddenly seems so clear, but that are just moments. You have to let go of the feeling that you have to understand everything in life before you can enjoy your life, because you will never understand everything, we don’t understand anything. The only thing we can understand is that we can enjoy while were living, if there comes another life, if all this has a purpose, we will never know. Believing isn’t knowing, believing could be just an illusion, but why not enjoy an illusion? I prefer believing in something that could be an illusion than knowing that everything is better. A friend of mine said the other day ‘You don’t need a purpose of life to make your life meaningful’. I totally agreed with that, even if there is no purpose of life, your life was still meaningful, because you didn’t just survived, you really lived your life.

 ‘Those who move forward with a happy spirit, will find that things will always work out’

Love & Peace

Love is…

‘And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make’ – The Beatles

Love is in everything, but we often don’t see it. I think the whole world consists out of love, that’s why we can’t live without love. I think we do everything out of love. You can give love in so many ways, with a hug, par example, but also if you hand someone a cup of tea, when you braid someone’s hair, when you just say ‘hey’ to someone, even when you bombard someone with snowballs, etc. We live on that sort of love, love is why we are here. I think we can train ourselves to see the love in everything, to experience the love consciously and to give more love. Because the more love you give, the more you get in return. Also in nature there’s so much love to see, the flowers, the trees, the animals, they talk in love, also literal:


Love & Peace




The power of being kind

I’m sorry I haven’t wrote anything in a while, with my social life bigger than my actual life together with school I just didn’t have time.

‘When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace’

I know this will happen. Because love is stronger than anything, the world just has to realise this. It’s amazing how we can work as a team and do little things for each other, in that way, we can accomplish so much. We have to improve the world by little steps.


I really believe being kind to people brings the world one step closer to world peace. Even if you just smile at a stranger, or are nice to the guy at the supermarket. Small things can make a person’s day and can inspire people to do little nice things for each other too. And always remember this quote: everyone is having a hard time, there’s always a reason a person is the way he is. Everyone’s hurt, everyone’s a little broken, and that’s okay, but remember that you’re not the only one, people need your kindness, the world needs your kindness.

Humanity isn’t about laws or economic stuff or whatever. Humanity is about love, feelings, tenderness. People often forget that, that’s why our society isn’t build on feelings, but on money and power. I think the world should be governed based on love, instead of power. I really believe all humans are good, all humans are able to overcome the love of power and realise love is the strongest thing we have. It really is, nothing is stronger than love, realise that.

So spread your kindness, spread your love and know that we can improve the world together, know that love is stronger.

Love & Peace

The fear of being forgotten

‘Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark on the world, but the marks humans leave are too often scars.’ – John Green – The fault in our stars

John green is a genius, he’s so amazing that I’m almost drowning in his infinite wisdom. But this post isn’t about that, of course. I recognise myself in this quote, I insist on changing the world in a good way, I want to be noticed by the universe, as John Green explained poetically in his book. What if my footprint on this world is a scar? Maybe we don’t care, because we were noticed by the universe, even if it was in a bad way.

We want to be remembered, we want to know our lives had a purpose, that we were born for a reason. We all want to be special so bad, that being normal is becoming the new special. And maybe not trying to change the world is a way to change the world. Maybe it is better to let the world be the way it is, because even if we try to change the world in a good way, it often turns into a scar, and the world already has enough scars.

I guess we are afraid of being forgotten, because if we are forgotten, we get the idea that our life was useless. And maybe it is, but we’ll never know. What if our life really is useless, would you want to know? I don’t think I’d want to know. I’d rather believe in something that may not be true, than knowing everything is useless. Ignorance is a blessing, sometimes.

The other way around is the same thing. We are afraid of forgetting. My boyfriend is currently in Denmark, I’m in Barcelona, Spain. And even though I know it’s only for a week and a half, (how the hell do people do that with long distance relationships??) I’m afraid to forget him. Not afraid to not miss him or to fall out of love with him, but afraid to forget the sound of his voice, his smell, the feeling of his lips pressed to mine, the way his hand fits into mine. I already feel the memories of him fade away, just a little, even though I know I’d remember those things again the moment I’ll see him.

But I know I’ll never forget the way we love each other.

Maybe I won’t change the world, not much anyway, and maybe he won’t either. Maybe we won’t matter that much to the world, but we do matter to each other, and that’s worth something too, right? Maybe at the end, my life didn’t mean so much to the world, but it did mean something to the people I love, and that’s enough for me.


Love & Peace

What does it mean to be fully alive?

‘Don’t you cry for the loss, smile for the living. Get what you need and give what you’re given. You know life’s for the living so live it, or you’re better off dead’ – Passenger –  Life’s for the living

Do you really live? What does it mean to fully be alive? I guess we don’t really realise what value every single day of our lives has. Maybe we do, sometimes, and you think that you’re going to live every single day of the rest of your life really living. But we never really hold onto that thought, do we? I know I don’t. Because you get distracted, people around you are so sure that there will be another day and they get the thought in your head again that you have plenty of time.

But the truth is: we don’t know when our journey will end. Anything could happen. You may think that’s sad. But actually, it’s a positive thing. The thought that our journey could be over at any moment, any day, doesn’t that pursue you to really live? Because if your soul doesn’t really live, what’s the point of having a living body? Of course we want to keep living, even if we’re not really living, and it isn’t true that our souls don’t live at all, it’s just that they only live a little. But that’s what life’s all about right, really living? The opposite thing is also true; anything could happen, at any moment, miracles are possible, and they happen every day.

We have to stop living in our brains and look around us, live in the moment, feel this moment, be aware of your body, feel the earth beneath your feet and the wind blowing in your hair. I guess that’s what it means to be fully alive, to just be caught up in the perfect imperfection of a moment. Because this moment is all you really have. It’s the only guaranteed thing in our lives. This quote above is so simple yet so strong, it’s the best advice you can give someone. Don’t die with regrets, die with memories.

Love & Peace