Welcome to my brain

My first post was still in Dutch, which most of you can’t read I guess. So I decided to just post my first thing again, but this time in English, of course.

So, here you are. You lived your whole life, and now you’re here, in this moment. You’ve survived all those years and did all those things, thought all those thoughts, loved all those people and learned all those things. Where are you proud of? If you look back at your life up until now, don’t you think you have lived a really good life? Yet, there is missing something, life isn’t what you hoped for, and you’ve waited so long for the beginning of your Real life, you keep searching for this ‘something’, but there’s nothing more than this, the universe gave you this, not too much, not too little. With that realization taken in mind, that your Real life has already started, would you enjoy more? Sometimes you have the idea that you understand your life completely, you know what you have to do, how you’re going to do that and who you are, everything suddenly seems so clear, but that are just moments. You have to let go of the feeling that you have to understand everything in life before you can enjoy your life, because you will never understand everything, we don’t understand anything. The only thing we can understand is that we can enjoy while were living, if there comes another life, if all this has a purpose, we will never know. Believing isn’t knowing, believing could be just an illusion, but why not enjoy an illusion? I prefer believing in something that could be an illusion than knowing that everything is better. A friend of mine said the other day ‘You don’t need a purpose of life to make your life meaningful’. I totally agreed with that, even if there is no purpose of life, your life was still meaningful, because you didn’t just survived, you really lived your life.

 ‘Those who move forward with a happy spirit, will find that things will always work out’

Love & Peace

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